After reading my initial review, seller reached out to me in order to make things right. They sent me a replacement strap and battery, that was a newer model, and IMHO is far better quality than this one, and really does work great! They also told me not to send the old one back, although I won’t be using it as the replacement works great! A++ customer service!
While I love this as a better headstrap for my oculus quest 2, the battery is a DUD! It will not charge my headset, even though it has been fully charged itself, at least according to the 4 blue lights on the battery. It doesn’t extend my play time at all, in fact it actually drains the headset battery even faster than it would do it on it’s own. If you are looking at this solely for the extra battery life, then look elsewhere. I am very disappointed with it, because of the dud battery. However, I will say that the headstrap itself is a lot more comfortable than the one that came with my quest 2.
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